
We are blessed to have many, many amazing musicians in our community, and we are happy to help promote their events on our site.

Check out the following events. You are more than welcome to participate in them!

To submit a local music event for posting on this page, click HERE.

MAR 1 & 2, 2025, NANAIMO

Sylvia Humble is bringing David Hatfield & The Singing Soul, a two-day workshop, to Nanaimo. Only 20 spots available!
poster | registration/details | questions? email Sylvia Humble or David Hatfield

apr 4–6, NANAIMO

Nanaimo Sings! is presenting Nanaimo: The City That Sings, a 3-day choral festival featuring 13 Nanaimo-based choirs at St. Andrew's United Church.
poster | website & tickets

May 23 & 24, 2025, NANAIMO

Nanaimo Sings! and BC Choral Federation are excited to present Sing The World Better, the first-ever BCCF Chorfest for Upper (Soprano & Alto) Voices, with guest clinician Kellie Walsh. Rehearsals will be held Fri & Sat at St. Andrew's United Church, Nanaimo, and the final concert on Sat evening at The Coast Bastion Hotel. Registration NOW OPEN!
registration | questions

May 30 & 31, 2025, courtenay

BC Choral Federation is presenting the Anchors Aweigh!, the first-ever BCCF Chorfest for Lower (Tenor and Bass) Voices, with guest clinician Dr. Mark Ramsay, at Native Sons Hall in Courtenay. Includes 2 days of rehearsals plus a finale concert. Registration NOW OPEN!
registration | questions

June 6–8, 2025, Bamfield BC

Just 8 spots remain for SongWest 2025! Faculty includes Brian Tate, Jennifer Scott, Michael Creber and Sarina Partridge (sorry, Karla Mundy will be in Corsica 😢).
website | registration

News from SongRoots